Thursday, May 15, 2008

Favorite internet videos: 2 and 1

My favorite genre of video is "Crazy People." The age of YouTube and ubiquitous personal cameras has lead to a proliferation of people acting batshit crazy videos. I love being able to watch these people without actually being present, some of these people are terrifying.

Crazy lady screaming at skateboarders

Yes, she does accuse these people of peeing on her. She also accuses them of "illegal photography" in a parking lot that she has no association with. There is something immensely hysterical about a woman screaming at people for no reason, and then demanding that they call the police.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Rogue Helicopter Pilot

My absolute favorite video ever; nonstop and unadulterated crazy. I can't really add any commentary that would make it any better. Watch it all!

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