I originally created this blog in accordance with the requirements of my English 701 class. I've decided to keep it, although I'm not sure how often I'll update it.
Thanks for the Python, Stephanie! I've felt like demanding that people redo their apostrophes on public signage in just this way! The clip really does demonstrate that the relationship between context and correctness is an important one...although I'm sure that's not what the fellas had in mind! Peace, G
Thanks for the Laugh. it proves a point doesn't it. If people don't understand your message (because of lack of common language)you can't be understood. (maybe that's a good thing - in some cases) ;.)
Thanks for the Python, Stephanie! I've felt like demanding that people redo their apostrophes on public signage in just this way! The clip really does demonstrate that the relationship between context and correctness is an important one...although I'm sure that's not what the fellas had in mind! Peace, G
Thanks for the Laugh. it proves a point doesn't it. If people don't understand your message (because of lack of common language)you can't be understood. (maybe that's a good thing - in some cases) ;.)
Patti W
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